Computing Over Distributed Sensitive Data

Large amounts of data are being collected about individuals by a variety of organizations: government agencies, banks, hospitals, research institutions, privacy companies, etc. Many of these organizations collect similar data, or data about similar populations. Sharing this data between organizations could bring about many benefits in social, scientific, business, and security domains. For example, by sharing their data, hospitals and small clinics can obtain statistically significant results in cases where the individual datasets are otherwise too small. Unfortunately, much of the collected data is sensitive: it contains personal details about individuals or information that may damage an organization’s reputation and competitiveness. The sharing of data is hence often curbed for ethical, legal, or business reasons. 

This project develops a collection of tools that will enable the benefits of data sharing without requiring data owners to share their data. The techniques developed respect principles of data ownership and privacy requirement, and draw on recent scientific developments in privacy, cryptography, machine learning, computational statistics, program verification, and system security. The tools developed in this project will contribute to existing research and business infrastructure, and hence enable new ways to create value in information whose use would otherwise have been restricted. The project supports the development of new curricula material and trains a new generation of researchers and citizens with the multidisciplinary perspectives required to address the complex issues surrounding data privacy.

This project is funded by grant 1565387 from the National Science Foundation to Harvard University and SUNY at Buffalo.


Salil Vadhan

Salil Vadhan

Principal Investigator
Vicky Joseph Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, SEAS, Harvard
Marco Gaboardi

Marco Gaboardi

Visiting Scholar, Center for Research on Computation & Society
State University of New York at Buffalo
Current Member of Datatags Team
Victor Balcer

Victor Balcer

Undergraduate Researcher (REU Summer 2014)
Graduate student, Theory of Computing Group

Victor joined the project in summer 2014 as an REU student. In 2015 Victor completed his undergraduate work in Computer Science & Mathematics at...

Read more about Victor Balcer
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Victor Balcer and Salil Vadhan. 9/2019. “Differential Privacy on Finite Computers.” Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, 9, 2. JPC PageAbstract

Version History: 

Also presented at TPDP 2017; preliminary version posted as arXiv:1709.05396 [cs.DS].

2018: Published in Anna R. Karlin, editor, 9th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2018), volume 94 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pp 43:1-43:21.

We consider the problem of designing and analyzing differentially private algorithms that can be implemented on discrete models of computation in strict polynomial time, motivated by known attacks on floating point implementations of real-arithmetic differentially private algorithms (Mironov, CCS 2012) and the potential for timing attacks on expected polynomial-time algorithms. As a case study, we examine the basic problem of approximating the histogram of a categorical dataset over a possibly large data universe \(X\). The classic Laplace Mechanism (Dwork, McSherry, Nissim, Smith, TCC 2006 and J. Privacy & Condentiality 2017) does not satisfy our requirements, as it is based on real arithmetic, and natural discrete analogues, such as the Geometric Mechanism (Ghosh, Roughgarden, Sundarajan, STOC 2009 and SICOMP 2012), take time at least linear in \(|X|\), which can be exponential in the bit length of the input.

In this paper, we provide strict polynomial-time discrete algorithms for approximate histograms whose simultaneous accuracy (the maximum error over all bins) matches that of the Laplace Mechanism up to constant factors, while retaining the same (pure) differential privacy guarantee.  One of our algorithms produces a sparse histogram as output. Its "per-bin accuracy" (the error on individual bins) is worse than that of the Laplace Mechanism by a factor of \(\log |X|\), but we prove a lower bound showing that this is necessary for any algorithm that produces a sparse histogram.  A second algorithm avoids this lower bound, and matches the per-bin accuracy of the Laplace Mechanism, by producing a compact and eciently computable representation of a dense histogram; it is based on an \((n + 1)\) - wise independent implementation of an appropriately clamped version of the Discrete Geometric Mechanism.


Kobbi Nissim and Uri Stemmer. 3/2019. “Concentration Bounds for High Sensitivity Functions Through Differential Privacy.” Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, 9, 1. Publisher's VersionAbstract

A new line of work [6, 9, 15, 2] demonstrates how differential privacy [8] can be used as a mathematical tool for guaranteeing generalization in adaptive data analysis. Specifically, if a differentially private analysis is applied on a sample S of i.i.d. examples to select a lowsensitivity function f , then w.h.p. f (S) is close to its expectation, although f is being chosen based on the data. Very recently, Steinke and Ullman [16] observed that these generalization guarantees can be used for proving concentration bounds in the non-adaptive setting, where the low-sensitivity function is fixed beforehand. In particular, they obtain alternative proofs for classical concentration bounds for low-sensitivity functions, such as the Chernoff bound and McDiarmid’s Inequality. In this work, we set out to examine the situation for functions with high-sensitivity, for which differential privacy does not imply generalization guarantees under adaptive analysis. We show that differential privacy can be used to prove concentration bounds for such functions in the non-adaptive setting.