Team Members Present at the Simons Institute's Data Privacy Planning Workshop

Privacy Tools team members Salil Vadhan, Cynthia Dwork, Kobbi Nissim, Marco Gaboardi, Vishesh Karwa, Jon Ullman, and Alexandra Wood presented at the Data Privacy Planning Workshop at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing on May 22nd - 24th, 2017. 

The goal of the planning workshop was to refine the scope of a semester-long program on "Foundations and Applications of Data Privacy", which will be held at the Simons Institute in Spring 2019. Participants planned activities that will foster productive collaboration between researchers who work on theoretical aspects of data privacy and those working in areas of potential applications. The workshop brought together experts from numerous disciplines related to privacy—theoretical computer science, statistics, game theory, machine learning, databases, social science, and law—to explore and challenge the current frontiers of privacy-related research and to discuss ways to maximize the impact of the program.

Please visit this link for more information.