Thomas Steinke presented "The Power of Adaptivity in Data Analysis" at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

On Thursday, January 21, 2016, Thomas Steinke presented "The Power of Adaptivity in Data Analysis" at The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Institute of Theoretical Computer Science and Communications ITCSC - CSE Joint  Seminar. Thomas' abstract is listed below.


If a dataset is only used once, a rich theory exists for ensuring that the conclusions are valid. But what happens if the  same  dataset is reused for multiple  analyses? Since each analysis  may now depend onthe  outcome  of previous analyses, the danger of over fitting the dataset is increased. For example, if the same dataset is used to select a learning model and then fit that model, the resulting model may appear to explain the data better thanit should.In this  talk,  I  will  discuss  a  recent  line  of  research  on  adaptive data  analysis.  I  will  show  that  there  aresophisticated  techniques--using  tools  from  information  theory  and  differential  privacy–that enable  us  to ensure  that  adaptive  analysis  provides  sound  conclusions. I  will  also  discuss  how  adaptive  data  analysis  is inherently morepowerful than non-adaptive data analysis