"Sharing Sensitive Data with Confidence" presented at Talks@TechSci in the ToTS and TIP Series

Talks@TechSci in the ToTS and TIP Series hosted Mercè Crosas, Michael Bar-Sinai, Latanya Sweeney to present "Sharing Sensitive Data with Confidence" on Monday, 12/14, from 2-4pm in CGIS Knafel K354 (1737 Cambridge St).

The abstract is listed below:

The DataTags System

Society generates data on a scale previously unimagined. Wide sharing of these data promises to improve important aspects of life such as health and education, by increasing their quality and lowering their cost. However, these same data often include sensitive information about people that could cause serious harms if shared widely. A multitude of regulations, laws and best practices protect data that contain sensitive personal information. Government agencies, research labs, and corporations that share data, as well as review boards and privacy officers making data sharing decisions, are vigilant but uncertain. This uncertainty creates a tendency not to share data at all. Some data are more harmful than other data; sharing should not be an all-or-nothing choice. How do we share data in ways that ensure access is commensurate with risks of harm? In this talk, we introduce datatags as a means of specifying security and access requirements for sensitive data. The datatags approach reduces the complexity of thousands of data-sharing regulations to a small number of tags. We will discuss implementation details for medical and educational data and for research and corporate repositories.